Hello you!
GONGXIFACAI! Wishing you a ...

and that you'll collect lots of angpows and great luck for all your gambling rounds!
Lol, i personally am not really one for gambling, especially mahjong- booooooring.
I'd rather play something that lets me win fast and well let's face it, lose fast too, than mahjong which goes on like hours and hours.
This year we bought lots of flowers at the flower's market at Punggol Promenade, mummy spent like $160 for 9 plants lol, 4 for my grandma thou.

Got these lovely new succulents and replanted them in their new home just last night. Used an old jelly bean jar + twine ribbon = awesome new home for my pretty succulent! Upcycling, hell yeah! Got the white goblet style planter and added gold accents on the bottom portion and i'm loving it~
Love succulents, they are so easy to maintain forget to water them for weeks, no problem at all! Tough like cactus but without the pricks and looks so pretty. I'm weird but I actually really like touching and slightly pinching them, can never resist walking out of the flower markets without leaving with a pot or two succulents.

Oh and there these adorable little sprouts/mini orange berries thing called Nertera Granadensis Astrid lol what a handful, they're sitting infront of my desktop in my room and Shirley came over to help me do gellish nails [lol, i know right no time to do cny nails at all, thank you love you love yoooou] and she was like asking me if i can eat those berries and i was like wts? would i like use my computer halfway then go hey i'm starving and start picking on the berries and snack on them? LOL i thinnnnnk it's non-edible btw.

I didn't get to see cherry blossom in tw so my mummy bought some home! Hahaha late bloomers these little ones, it's Chinese New Year's Eve! Time to wake up and open those pretty petals yo.

Oh do you know that when you "feed" Pussy-Willows AKA "Ying Liu" ice water/ice it blooms like craaaaazy and super pretty?! Hahah very proud to say that over the years my house has always had the prettiest blooming pussy-willows. So try this tip if you're wondering why yours aren't blooming as nicely as it should!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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